capturing love stories that rock

yes, yes, we take pictures… but what’s more important is the story we tell with them




"Our best decision was choosing Dóri! She is incredibly professional, endlessly kind, and helpful, both her and her husband! Her presence helped us relax in front of the camera, it would have been much harder without her..."

Almási-Kerényi Dóri

Photography is not only an experience for you, the ones I capture, but also a genuine escape from the everyday for me. These few hours are truly rejuvenating for me; I love getting to know new people, understanding who you are, what dreams and desires you have, what you enjoy doing in your free time, and what makes you happy...

A slow Saturday morning makes me happy, with the morning sunlight streaming onto the couch, a cup of coffee in my hand, a good book, gazing out the window while traveling, feeling the scent of spring, and walking barefoot in the sand.

Let's chat

If you feel that you would like to be part of a shared experience, do not hesitate to write to me! I can't wait to meet you in person!


Kind words

Our engagement photoshooting was one of a kind with Dóri and Dani. They helped us feel comfortable and on ease front of the camera. Their creative pose ideas, dynamic set-ups, made us forget that we are on a photoshooting, so we could truly be our real selves. Their talent and skill in capturing the essence of our relationship were evident throughout the entire session. The way they used the given surroundings and played with light and shadows to create captivating and romantic moments, was just impressive and professional. We also have enjoyed spending time and creating these precious moment together with them.

Kind words

We have been working with Dóri for years now. She takes our family photos, and she also takes brand photos of me.
I really enjoy photographing with Dóri because her kindness, openness, creativity, and professionalism are always top-notch. Photographing with her is an experience that manifests not only in the finished photos but also in the time spent together.
Thank you, Dóri, for the pictures!
Keep it up! We wish you a lot of success and joy on this journey! 🙂

Kind words

Dóri and her husband photographed our wedding, and it turned out perfectly! We had everything coordinated well in advance; we discussed everything in person and online. We were able to go through everything very quickly and easily, and there was no uncertainty or doubt in us on our wedding day. Everything worked out superbly, and we received a lot of beautiful photos from our Big Day within the agreed-upon timeframe. Choosing Dóri and her team was the best decision! ☺️

Kind words

Dóri captures the best moments with a wonderful talent. Her photos are natural, and she strives to avoid artificial poses, which was especially important to me. She helps guide during the photoshoot to ensure the best possible pictures are taken.

Kind words

Thank you very much for the excellent work; we received wonderful pictures! Dóri and her team are reliable, flexible, and helpful, and their photos capture the emotions of the moments experienced. We wholeheartedly recommend them to everyone.

Kind words

Choosing Dóri was the best decision for us! She is highly professional, incredibly kind, and helpful, along with her husband! Her presence made a significant difference in helping us relax in front of the camera; it would have been more challenging without her. We felt so great during the engagement photoshoot and the wedding photoshoot that since then, she has even done a baby series for us, and we definitely want to work with her again! 🥰
I can recommend to everyone who is looking for a kind, flexible, and dedicated photographer, someone for whom nothing is impossible! 😁

Kind words

We confidently recommend Dóri to all couples who, like us, feel uneasy in front of cameras. We received beautiful pictures. We never thought that such sincere and simultaneously beautiful shots could be captured of us! 😃 The photosession was more of an experience than unpleasant. Good atmosphere, professionalism, creativity, and kindness.

Kind words

Dóri was the best choice; I came across her on Facebook before our wedding. I remember when I saw her photos, the first thing that came to my mind was how much life there is in them, how well she can capture the most beautiful moments. At that moment, I already knew she would be the one.🥹 And to professionalism is added Dóri's personality.🤩 A wholehearted person, on whom it's evident how much they love what they do. I'm very glad I got to know you.❤️We will continue to choose you.

Kind words

Dóri is very attentive, tactful, and professional! Her photos perfectly capture the atmosphere, and even a bit more, as her eyes and style make us see ourselves in the pictures in ways we didn't expect. It was a great experience overall; thank you! :)))

Kind words

Rendkívül hálásak vagyunk Dóriéknak, a legjobb döntés volt velük együtt dolgozni. Már a jegyesfotózás alkalmával kiderült, hogy tökéletes köztünk az összhang, teljesen felszabadultak voltunk, és nem csupán jól éreztük magunkat, hanem a képek is csodásak lettek! Az esküvőn is nagyon profi munkát végeztek, a képek fantasztikusan sikerültek, sokaktól érkezett kifejezett dicséret a fotók szépségéért, minőségéért. Mindenkinek jó szívvel ajánljuk Dóriék szolgáltatását!

Kind words

Dóri nem csak szuper fotós, de egy végtelenül kedves, együttműködő és laza személy is, aki mellett nagyon könnyű ellazulni és természetesen viselkedni a kamerája előtt. Habár személyesen először az esküvőn találkoztunk, mégis olyan volt, mintha egy régi barátot üdvözölnék, így a fotózás is abszolút közvetlen és baráti hangulatban telt. Még a férjem is így érzett, aki pedig nem szeret fotózkodni, de Dóri kisugárzása rá is jó hatással volt 😊 A képek nagyon természetesek lettek és nagyon jól éreztük magunkat a fotózás alatt is. Dóri nagyon jó érzékkel kapta el mind az érzelmes, mind a vicces, bulis pillanatokat. Az albumot nézegetve azt éreztem minden kép annyira tetszik, hogy szinte nem is tudnék kedvencet választani. Mi csak ajánlani tudjuk Dórit és szívből reméljük hogy találkozunk még😊

Kind words

Nagyon jó szivvel ajánljuk Dórit. Az esküvő napján találkoztunk először személyesen és emlékszem, hogy éppen valami miatt aggodalmaskodtam, amikor nagy mosollyal megjelent és már attól jobb kedvem lett, hogy körülöttem sürgölődött. Nagyon jól ‘vezette’ a kreativ fotózásunkat is és azt a kérésünket is sikerült teljesiteni, hogy a pillanatokat kapja el főként, mert nem szeretjük a beállitott képeket. Gyönyörű fotókat kaptunk, ráadásul a vártnál jóval többet. Alig várom, hogy előhivva, albumba rendezve is meglegyenek a képek, mert ezeket nézegetve kicsit újraélhetjük majd az emlékeket. Köszönjük a profi munkát, a jövőben ha fotózást szeretnénk, biztosan hozzá fogunk fordulni.🥰