Wedding photo & film

real emotions, honest moments

This day is about you, your commitment to each other, and the love you profess to each other in front of your loved ones.

Therefore - as a photographer and videographer - we work to be present almost imperceptibly and capture the moments.

Our style is fundamentally documentary, as our approach is to capture the moments of your wedding as they truly happened—through our unique perspective and creative storytelling.

In addition, we love to incorporate a touch of *editorial* and *edgy* vibes into our work.


Every wedding and every couple is different, unique, special – we would like to get to know you and your ideas before making a mutual commitment. Therefore, contact us so that we can send you a personalized offer.

Wedding film

We believe that wedding short films have such added value that should not be missed. To see yourselves, your friends, your family in motion, capturing the atmosphere of your wedding, the tears of joy, and the big laughs... it's something to watch over and over again, never getting enough of it. 

We love to create something unique, individual, something that truly reflects you and your relationship. We search for the story, the emotions, the experiences in every moment.

Kind words

"they handled having to work with three different languages beautifully and our guests said they loved them as well"

Dóri and Dani were the best choice for our wedding! They were extremely professional, however we still always had loads of fun working together. They put a lot of love into their work which resulted in not only great quality pictures and videos, but they were able to convey the ambiance of our day perfectly. They handled having to work with three different languages beautifully and our guests said they loved them as well. We even received multiple gifts from them, for which we are especially grateful. Couldn’t recommend more!

"they're very natural and authentic in their communication and working style"

Working with Dóri (and her partner Dani for the video) was AMAZING.
They are really great, they listen to our wishes and ideas, but at the same time, they guide us and give us their professional opinions. Also, they’re very natural and authentic in their communication and working style which made everything super smooth and comforting.
And on the wedding day, they were „invisible” which is a sign of professionalism and resulted in having great pictures and video.
If we had to get married again, we would definitely choose them 😁
Thank you! Koszonjuk szepen! 🤩

"Dórinak szuper ötletei vannak, egyáltalán nem tolakodó, semmit nem erőltet, amit nem szeretnél és a végeredmény mégis olyan, hogy az álladat targoncával kell felszedni a földről"

Nem tartom magam fotogénnek és nincs türelmem pózolni sem. Dórival ez az egész mégis… olyan volt, mintha nem is lenne nála gép, csak elvihorásznánk egymással, egymás mellett. Aminek az eredmény a legőszintébb, legeredetibb fotósorozat lett, ami valaha rólunk készült. Néhol el sem hittem, hogy el lehet kapni úgy egy pillanatot, hogy újra átélem az egészet, amikor ránézek a képre.
Dórinak szuper ötletei vannak, egyáltalán nem tolakodó, semmit nem erőltet, amit nem szeretnél és a végeredmény mégis olyan, hogy az álladat targoncával kell felszedni a földről.
A fotózáson kívül is minden profi, a kommunikáció, a szervezés, tehát… mindenkinek őszintén, tiszta szívből ajánlom Dórit, mert külön feldobta az eseményt, hogy ott voltak Danival velünk! Köszönjük!

"Jelenlétük gyönyörű színt és energiát vitt az esküvőnkbe és a kreatív fotózásba. Arról nem is beszélve, hogy mennyire figyelmesek voltak vendégeinkre is"

Az volt a szerencsénk, hogy Dóri és Dani volt az esküvői fotósunk és videósunk. Igazán megdöbbentett minket, hogy milyen figyelmesek és kedvesek voltak egész nap, ami segített nekünk, hogy egyáltalán ne stresszeljünk, és a lehető legjobban érezzük magunkat a Nagy Napunkon.
Jelenlétük gyönyörű színt és energiát vitt az esküvőnkbe és a kreatív fotózásba. Arról nem is beszélve, hogy mennyire figyelmesek voltak vendégeinkre is azzal, hogy nem csak mi, de ők is különlegesnek érezték magukat.
Nagyon jó pár együtt dolgozni, tökéletesen kiegészítik egymást, és csodálatos példát jelentenek egy nagyszerű házasságra, amely nagyon megható volt számunkra a különleges napon.
Az eredmények kétségtelenül lenyűgözőek! Dóri fotóit nézegetve felidézzük az esküvő napját, és felidézzük mindazt az emléket és szerelmet, ami körülvett minket. Soha nem gondoltuk, hogy fotogének lehetünk a kamerán (bár már az eljegyzéskor sikerült neki, de kétszer is megtörténhet!!), és nagyon hálásak vagyunk, hogy megcsodálhattad azokat a felbecsülhetetlen értékű pillanatokat!
Köszönjük mindkettőtöknek, hogy megosztották velünk tehetségüket és csodálatos személyiségüket, és reméljük, hogy még néhány fotózáson is részt vehetünk

"Dóri valóban megragadta azt az örömöt és ünneplést, amit aznap éreztünk"

Dórit választottuk az esküvőnkre a legjobb választásunk volt.
Az egy éves évfordulónkról készült fotóinkat nézegetve olyan volt, mintha újra átélnénk az egész eseményt. Dóri valóban megragadta azt az örömöt és ünneplést, amit aznap éreztünk. Az ideges pillanatokban is segíthet megnyugodni éleslátó tippjeivel és trükkjeivel, mint például a kreatív fotózásunk tequilával való kezdése…
Biztosak vagyunk benne, hogy még évek múlva is, ha megnézzük a képeket, ugyanazokat az érzelmeket tudjuk átélni, mint az esküvő napján, köszönhetően annak, ahogy Dóri a legboldogabb pillanatainkat magába tudta foglalni.
10/10 ajánlom!

"her presence helped a lot in relaxing in front of the camera"

Choosing Dóri was the best decision for us! She is highly professional, incredibly kind, and helpful, along with her husband! Her presence made a significant difference in helping us relax in front of the camera; it would have been more challenging without her. We felt so great during the engagement photoshoot and the wedding photoshoot that since then, she has even done a baby series for us, and we definitely want to work with her again! 🥰
I can recommend to everyone who is looking for a kind, flexible, and dedicated photographer, someone for whom nothing is impossible! 😁

"a wholehearted person, on whom it's evident how much she loves what she does"

Dóri was the best choice; I came across her on Facebook before our wedding. I remember when I saw her photos, the first thing that came to my mind was how much life there is in them, how well she can capture the most beautiful moments. At that moment, I already knew she would be the one. 🥹 And to professionalism is added Dóri's personality. 🤩 A wholehearted person, on whom it's evident how much they love what they do. I'm very glad I got to know you.❤️We will continue to choose you.

"we were able to discuss everything very quickly and easily; there was no uncertainty or doubt in us already on the wedding day"

Dóri and her husband photographed our wedding, and it turned out perfectly! We had everything coordinated well in advance; we discussed everything in person and online. We were able to go through everything very quickly and easily, and there was no uncertainty or doubt in us on our wedding day. Everything worked out superbly, and we received a lot of beautiful photos from our Big Day within the agreed-upon timeframe. Choosing Dóri and her team was the best decision! ☺️


If you feel that you like the style we represent and would like us to capture your wedding, contact us so we can have a conversation.

We can't wait to get to know you, your story, and narrate it with our visual representation. 


how do we receive the photos?

we send the finished photos and videos electronically

do you retouch the photos?

the post-processing mainly involves adjustments in exposure, contrast, skin tone,
and creating a 'mood,'
rather than eliminating individual skin flaws. Retouching of a few images can be requested within reasonable limits, but this is not the main focus

is the travel cost included in the price?

outside of Budapest, the travel cost is determined based on agreement, allowing you to anticipate the cost. Currently, the fuel cost is 100 HUF/km uniformly (we reserve the right to change the fuel cost)

can there be a separate creative session on another day?

a significant advantage of a separate creative session is that there is no rush, as on the wedding day. This allows for a calm atmosphere, tuning into each other during the photo shoot. The fee for this is 40.000 HUF per service, in addition to the wedding package price

can we request the raw images, recordings?

the raw images and recordings reflect a semi-finished state, and we do not provide incomplete work. Therefore, unfortunately, this is not possible

what happens if we go beyond the agreed-upon availability time?

if the schedule on the wedding day leads to the last agreed-upon event taking place beyond the availability period (more than 15 minutes later), please be aware of an additional fee of 30.000 HUF per hour

when is it advisable to schedule the creative photoshoot?

for truly special photos, beautiful soft light is essential, which is usually present either early in the morning or during the sunset hours. We do not recommend the midday hours (after 11 AM and before 3 PM) for the creative photoshoot. If the schedule allows, it's advisable to schedule it sometime after the ceremony and before dinner, considering roughly one hour for it
